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Permanent Residency in Canada – Preparing for the IELTS Examination


Relocating to a different country is a daunting process and Canada is no exception. While a Toronto immigration lawyer can help you with the legal procedures, there are other areas you need to prepare for by yourself – such as the IELTS examination, also known as the International English Language Testing System for any kind of immigration in Canada such as family class immigration service.

Is It a Must?

While currently, not all candidates are required to prove their proficiency in English with the IELTS certificate, it is an invaluable tool that can demonstrate your language skills. Undoubtedly, holding such a certificate will help you on your job hunt or when looking for opportunities in your new home country – this is the main reason why any immigration specialist or Toronto immigration lawyer usually advises you to obtain a valid language certificate. Not only that, there is currently talk in regards to making the IELTS certificate a mandatory document in the near future when applying for permanent residency in Canada.

How Can I Prepare for the Test?

While letting your Toronto immigration lawyer handle the paperwork, you can switch your focus to acquiring knowledge and skills for the International English Language Testing System. These days, there are various ways to prepare for IELTS and some are very accessible – case and point: Canada Visa now offers a wide range of online tests and preparation courses meant to help you achieve the best results. These free tests are designed in order to assess your Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills in English and you are free to opt for a much as 8 courses, 2 in each area. In the recent years, there has been a lot of focus on language training in Canada – so much so that now you can find optional additional classes offered by Canada Visa, as well as various courses and classes that are designed to specific professions.

But regardless if you decide to get your IELTS certificate or another valid language skill diploma, any Toronto immigration lawyer would advise their clients to opt for a language certificate that is recognized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, also known as CIC. Contact your immigration lawyer at the given number , to know more about the IELTS requirements.